Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Ultimate Gift

Children are the ultimate gift.  I've been sharing about infertility and the pain that couples struggle with not being able to conceive.  For some, that leads them to adopt a child.  That desire to adopt is a gift.  The Birthmother who makes an adoption plan for her child is also giving  a gift to a couple that is truly selfless.  Her love for her child surpasses anything else.  She want the absolute best for her child and believes that having an adoptive couple raise her child is what is best.  God has his hands in all of that!! What a gift she is giving and what a gift the adoptive couple is giving to her - peace of mind knowing that her child will have a wonderful life.

I'd like to continue sharing some tidbits from Facing Infertility A Catholic Approach.

Catholic couples dealing with infertility have a great resource available to them which is NaProTECHNOLOGY.  Some parishes also have support groups to help couples bear the heavy burden of infertility.  Be a good listener if you know of someone going through infertility.  Some times they may want to talk and others they may not.

If you suspect you may be having trouble conceiving, you can consult a doctor,  Many doctors will see you after 12 months of conscious trying to conceive.  If you are using Natural Family Planning consistantly trying to achieve for 6 months and are unsuccessful then you are ready to go see the doctor.  There could be an underlying problem.  A NaProTECHNOLOGY doctor would be able to help look at issues related to the woman's body and her fertility.  These doctors are able to help 70% of couples struggling with infertility to conceive.

Prayer from p. 28
Answer me when I call, O God of my right!
You gave me room when I was in distress.
Be gracious to me, and hear my prayer . . . .
But know that the Lord has set apart the faithful for himself;
the Lord hears when I call to him . . .
put your trust in the Lord.
-Psalm 4:1, 3, 5b

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